Eight Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read This Summer

September 19, 2018

SmallBiz-Resources August, 2018

Most entrepreneurs won’t spend these dog days of summer relaxing at the beach; you might instead find them hard at work refining their business plans and investor pitches, developing new customer acquisition strategies or adjusting sales and strategic marketing tactics.

But while entrepreneurship can be a 24/7 job, it’s important to take some time to relax and recharge both the body and the mind, soaking in a little sun and recharging the brain with new ideas and perspectives. At the University of Michigan’s Zell Lurie Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies, we show young entrepreneurs that new perspectives on entrepreneurship’s greatest lessons can begin between the pages of a good book and then be applied to their own businesses.


Read more here: http://smallbiz-resources.com/books-entrepreneurs-should-read/