Fund Members Erik GordonFaculty Managing DirectorDillon RichManaging DirectorMBA '25Sneha KannanDirector of RecruitmentMBA '25Kiara SimpaoDirector of RecruitmentMBA '25Derrick OusleyDirector of RecruitmentPhD, Medicinal Chemistry '26Kai LiDirector of EducationPhD, Bioinformatics '26Saif KhalidDirector of Deal FlowMBA/MPP '25Sid PlakkotDirector of Investment RelationsMBA '25Mya GoughDirector of Portfolio ManagementPhD, Medicinal Chemistry '25Colton RaineyPhD, Mechanical Engineering '24Stephanie SteltzerPhD, Molecular and Integrative Physiology '26Sid AkkineniMBA '25Obaidah BitarMD/MBA '25Madeline EikenPhD, Biomedical Engineering '26Alex ElversonMBA '25Mohamad FakhreddineMBA '25Zachary LiMBA '25Don SobellMBA '25Yaswanth TadikondaMBA '25Joe TrzaskaPhD, Mechanical Engineering '25Matthew WalshMBA/MS, Sustainable Systems (Erb) '26Robin YanPhD, Mechanical Engineering '25Serena AhujaMBA '26Mohammed AlnassarMBA '26Varun AwasthiMBA '26Blake BengtsonMBA '26Felipe BravoMBA '26Abrahm CouryMBA '26Frederico De GeronimoPhD, Climate and Space Science and Engineering '26Sara DeschaineMS, Bioinformatics and PhD, Pharmacology '26Aaron EnderlinMBA '26Japmanjeet Singh GillPhD, Robotics '26Tyler JensenMBA '26Gunn LadkeeMBA '26Henry LiangMBA '26Liam MatthewsPhD, Biomedical Engineering '27Jennifer NguyenPhD, Medicinal Chemistry '27Jacob OrmesPhD, Pharmacology '26Saloni PatniMBA '26Danielle PohlenMBA '26Shruti PrasadMBA '26Prithu VermaMBA '26Blake WilliamsMBA '26Terry WinstonMBA '26Michelle YeonMBA '26Julian YuanMBA '26