Professors Len Middleton and Peter Adriaens Offer Reading Suggestions to Entrepreneurs

June 2, 2014

Adjunct Professor Len Middleton, corporate strategy, international business and entrepreneurship and Professor Peter Adriaens, civil and environmental engineering, entrepreneurship and strategy, shared their 2014 reading lists with Entrepreneur Magazine. Below are the suggested books that can keep you inspired this summer while you’re soaking up the sun at Lake Erie, on that flight to San Francisco or camping in Yosemite.

  1. The Wide Lens: What Successful Innovators See that Others Miss by Ron Adner
  2. Big Data at Work by Tom Davenport
  3. Getting to Plan B by John Mullins and Randy Komisar
  4. Confessions of a Venture Capitalist by Ruthann Quindlen
  5. Leading the Revolution by Gary Hamel


Before you head out to enjoy your summer vacations, check out Middleton’s and Adriaens’ article here: