More than 400 Venture Capitalists and Midwest Emerging Growth Companies Expected at Award-Winning Conference May 15-16
The Michigan Growth Capital Symposium (MGCS), the premier platform for Midwest emerging growth companies seeking funding to connect with investors, is scheduled to take place May 15-16 at the Marriott Resort in Ypsilanti, Mich. More than 400 attendees are expected, including leading venture capitalists, angel investors and technology transfer professionals from across the U.S., as well as founders and CEOs of Midwest-based early stage and emerging, high-growth companies.

Participants chat prior to the Michigan Growth Capital Symposium keynote.
Thirty-six companies will be chosen to present and have the opportunity to pitch their businesses to potential investors and stakeholders in attendance. The MGCS will also feature a dedicated University Research track to showcase emerging companies coming out of the Midwest’s top-ranked universities. Several informative panel presentations comprised of some of the country’s top investors and entrepreneurs will also be featured, as well as several keynote speakers. Previous speakers have included Clay B. Thorp of Hatteras Venture Partners, Jim Flynn of Deerfield Capital Management and Adam Lilling of Plus Capital.
“Venture capitalists and entrepreneurial leaders across the country are beginning to give the Midwest and its top-notch startups and talent the attention they deserve,” said David Brophy, professor of finance at the University of Michigan and founding director of MGCS. “For almost four decades, MGCS has been proud to give the high-growth startups here in the Midwest a forum to make the connections and find the resources they need to bring their businesses to a national level.”
The annual Michigan Growth Capital Symposium was recognized by the Michigan Venture Capital Association in 2017 with the inaugural Community Impact Award, which recognizes organizations, events or individuals that create the meaningful, effective connections necessary to build Michigan’s entrepreneurial economy. MGCS is hosted each year by the University of Michigan’s Center for Venture Capital & Private Equity Finance at the Ross School of Business, with support from the Michigan Venture Capital Association.
Call for Presenting Company Applications
Application forms for companies to present that are seeking seed, A and B rounds of funding will be available online from January 16-March 6 at
Call for Sponsors
Organizers are currently enlisting sponsors for the 2018 event with packages ranging from $1,000–$10,000. For more information, please contact Mary Nickson at 734.615.4424 or [email protected].
The Michigan Growth Capital Symposium (MGCS) is the original university-based venture investment fair. First held in 1981, this decades-old nationally attended event is the largest Midwest venture fair of its kind that brings together venture capital investors, angel investors, high-growth companies, university tech transfer officers and research faculty. MGCS is presented by the Center for Venture Capital & Private Equity Finance and the Zell Lurie Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies at the University of Michigan Ross School of Business, with support from the Michigan Venture Capital Association.