Dare to Dream Program

Meet Alex VanDerKolk, ’13: Native son and entrepreneur

Meet Alex VanDerKolk, ’13: Native son and entrepreneur

While working as a data analyst for the University of Michigan’s Comprehensive Cancer Center, Alex VanDerKolk, BBA ’13, found himself elbow-deep in data that doctors were trying to use to plan the most effective and cost-efficient treatments for breast cancer...

#ZellChat #3: Dare to Dream Grant Program

#ZellChat #3: Dare to Dream Grant Program

We hosted our third Twitter chat last week and wanted to share the content for anyone who couldn’t follow along. In it, we focused on ZLI’s Dare to Dream grant program. If you aren’t already, follow us on Twitter @ZellLurie. Look out for our next #ZellChat on March...

Save the Date: @ZellLurie Twitter Chat on Dare to Dream Grants

Save the Date: @ZellLurie Twitter Chat on Dare to Dream Grants

Join us at 10:00 a.m. ET on Wednesday, January 28 for our next Twitter Chat where Sarika Gupta, managing director of the Zell Lurie Institute, will be on hand at the @ZellLurie Twitter to answer all of your questions about the Dare to Dream Grant program and...

Focus on Fitness

Focus on Fitness

Cavan Canavan, MBA '12, and Grant Hughes, MBA/MS '13, want to improve your workout through their startup, Focus Solutions. Entrepreneurs are always thinking about the next great idea. For Cavan Canavan, MBA '12, it came while sweating profusely. Canavan's penchant for...