As entrepreneurs and venture-capital investors convene today for the 2014 Michigan Growth Capital Symposium, they face a common goal of building better companies and more attractive deals that can compete for institutional investment money flowing from local, national...
David Brophy
UM’s Brophy Says Angel Investment Creates the Bedrock for Venture-capital Financing
by | May 8, 2014
Michigan’s angel investors play an important role in the life cycle of start-up companies around the state, says David Brophy, professor of finance and director of the University of Michigan Center for Venture Capital and Private Equity Finance, or CVP. “Angel...
Glencoe Capital PE Dinner and the Alan Gelband PE Award by David Brophy, Director of the Office for the Study of Private Equity Finance
by | Apr 8, 2014
The 10th annual Glencoe Capital Private Equity Class Dinner, highlighted by the “bake-off” presentations for the Alan Gelband Private Equity Award and its $10,000 prize money, was held on March 19, 2014 in the Ross Colloquium. Gelband, founder/CEO of Gelband Company,...
UM’s Brophy Says Out-of-State Venture Capitalists Can Benefit by Teaming Up with Local VCs
by | Mar 27, 2014
Out-of-state venture capitalists can reap substantial gains by co-investing alongside local VCs in Michigan-based companies, says David Brophy, professor of finance and director of the University of Michigan Center for Venture Capital and Private Equity Finance, or...
Annual Private Equity Class Dinner
by | Mar 19, 2014
The Center for Venture Capital and Private Equity Finance is holding its annual Private Equity class dinner today, sponsored by Chicago-based Glencoe Capital. During the dinner hosted by Professor David Brophy of the Ross School of Business, the class will participate...
MGCS Founder David Brophy Tees Up Tomorrow’s 32nd Michigan Growth Capital Symposium
by | May 20, 2013
With the 32nd Michigan Growth Capital Symposium set to open tomorrow morning, MGCS founder David J. Brophy tees up the event by providing a quick snapshot of the current growth capital investment landscape. That landscape is evolving rapidly, says Brophy, who is...
David Brophy Shares His Thoughts on start Garden
by | May 7, 2013
David Brophy recently chatted with Joe Boomgaard at MiBiz to offer his thoughts on Start Garden, the new Grand Rapids–based seed venture fund. David focused on seed capital availability, and points to what Michigan still needs to transition from early stage seed money...
The State of Michigan’s VC Industry: What the Buzz is All About
by | May 2, 2013
The Michigan venture capital industry is gaining momentum and attention as it continues to thrive despite a national dip. Michigan Growth Capital Symposium (MGCS) Founder David J. Brophy, Director and Professor of Finance at the University of Michigan Ross School of...
MGCS Founder David Brophy Discusses the Evolution of the Venture Capital Community in Michigan
by | Apr 16, 2013
In a recent article that appeared in MiBiz, David Brophy, founder of the Michigan Growth Capital Symposium, discusses the evolution of the venture capital community in Michigan over the past three decades. Specifically, David addresses key facets, such as: The current...
Innovation Hotbeds Sprouting Nationwide
by | Mar 19, 2013
While Silicon Valley remains a leading pillar of innovation, it's certainly not the nation's only one. Innovation hotspots continue to pop up across the country, enjoying relatively a high rate of growth. “I think that everybody's got the message on innovation,” said...