At the kickoff of this year’s Entrepalooza, Stewart Thornhill, executive director of the Zell Lurie Institute, described the annual event as “a celebration of entrepreneurship across campus.” Nearly 350 students from a variety of academic disciplines gathered for the...
2015 Entrepalooza’s ‘Unconference’ Unlocks Ideation and Unleashes Entrepreneurial Innovation
by | Sep 30, 2015
Olga Nichols, BBA ’17, had never been to an “unconference” before. But at this year’s Entrepalooza, she had an opportunity to take part in the participant-driven format, which focuses on the informal exchange of information and ideas among attendees rather than on the...
Trail-Blazing Entrepreneurs Share Their Personal and Professional Stories with U-M Students at 2015 Entrepalooza
by | Sep 29, 2015
In keeping with this year’s Entrepalooza theme, “Entrepreneurship through a Kaleidoscope,” seven entrepreneurs from highly diverse backgrounds shared their personal and professional stories of entrepreneurial passion, challenge and triumph with U-M students on Friday,...
BBC Broadcast Journalist Katty Kay Urges University of Michigan Female Students to Close the Confidence Gap
by | Sep 28, 2015
Women now make up half of the U.S. workforce and are gaining traction in middle management. But something is blocking their career pathways to top executive positions at leading companies, where female CEOs are few and far between. What’s holding women back is their...
The annual Entrepalooza symposium to feature keynote address from BBC anchor and best-selling author Katty Kay
by | Aug 25, 2015
The Samuel Zell & Robert H. Lurie Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business is joining forces with entrepreneurship programs across the University to host the annual entrepreneurial symposium, Entrepalooza, on...
Entrepreneurial-minded Students Look for Inspiration and Direction at Entrepalooza 2014
by | Sep 17, 2014
At the conclusion of Entrepalooza 2014, Michigan students from a variety of disciplines sat down to Lunch and Learn with the event speakers, who included successful start-up company founders, corporate entrepreneurship professionals and members of the U-M faculty. The...
Young Entrepreneurs Provide Insights into Launching and Growing Start-up Ventures
by | Sep 16, 2014
Four young entrepreneurs who launched and grew start-up ventures while they were students at the University of Michigan shared their insights during a panel discussion at Entrepalooza 2014. A common theme resonating throughout their discussion was the competitive...
Michigan Basketball Luminary Rob Pelinka Shares Secrets of His Entrepreneurial Success at Entrepalooza 2014
by | Sep 15, 2014
Former Michigan basketball star Rob Pelinka, BBA ’93, JD ’96, returned to the U-M campus on Friday, Sept. 12, to speak at Entrepalooza 2014 where he provided an animated play-by-play recap of his meteoric career in sports law and his decision to strike out on his own...
University of Michigan’s Annual Entrepalooza Symposium to Feature Rob Pelinka of Landmark Sports Agency
by | Aug 21, 2014
Entrepalooza, the Zell Lurie Institute’s annual entrepreneurial symposium, is set for Friday, Sept. 12 from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Michigan League, located at 911 N. University Ave. in Ann Arbor, Mich. This year’s event will feature a keynote address at 9:00...
Entrepalooza Panelists Share Tips on Starting and Growing a Successful Business
by | Oct 4, 2013
Laying a solid foundation for a start-up business is the first step toward long-term success. However, entrepreneurs should be prepared to handle some growing pains along the way, said 2013 Entrepalooza panelists, who shared best practices and lessons-learned from...