Executive leaders of the Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital Club at Michigan Ross, George Okpamen and Austin Sivik, share their views on the Silicon Valley Experience with the Zell Lurie Institute. Traveling during business school with fellow Wolverines is an...
Zell Lurie Commercialization Funded Company AdAdapted Secures $725,000 in seed round
by | Jul 10, 2014
AdAdapted Inc., a tech startup invested by the Zell Lurie Commercialization Fund, announced $725,000 in seed capital. The funding will be used to scale up sales and marketing efforts. AdAdapted Inc. is an Ann Arbor company that builds ads designed for mobile devices....
Tom Kinnear Talks Venture Funds on CBS Detroit’s Michigan Matters
by | Jul 3, 2014
In case you missed it live, here’s a link to CBS Detroit’s Michigan Matters interview with Tom Kinnear, former executive director of the Zell Lurie Institute and current professor of business administration and marketing. During the June 4 interview, Kinnear discussed...
Entrepreneurial Companies Drive Job Creation and Economic Development, Says Keynote Speaker Kevin Conroy, CEO of Exact Sciences
by | Jun 19, 2014
Kevin T. Conroy, the chairman and CEO of Exact Sciences, said entrepreneurial companies serve as the leading engines of job creation and economic development, and have helped to fuel Michigan’s rebound from the depths of recession. Speaking on Wednesday morning at the...
Michigan’s Greatest Challenge is to Build, Finance and Retain Innovative Companies, Says UM’s Brophy
by | Jun 3, 2014
This year’s record number of initial public offerings and the lofty valuations assigned to a handful of high-profile technology start-ups in Silicon Valley have created a stir in the entrepreneurial and venture-capital communities. “When we look at the markets, the...
Amherst Fund’s Turner Sees Expanded Role for Angel Investors in Michigan
by | May 23, 2014
Over the past year, Matt Turner, the president and CEO of Amherst Fund, has observed that venture-capital investors in Michigan are slowly moving away from the seed stage and shifting their investment sights further down the development life of entrepreneurial...
The Wolverine Venture Fund Participates in $21 Million Series B Financing of NeuMoDx
by | Apr 1, 2014
The Wolverine Venture Fund, managed by students at The Samuel Zell & Robert H. Lurie Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies at the University of Michigan Ross School of Business, today announced it has invested in NeuMoDx Molecular, Inc., a privately held...
University of Michigan Team Takes Second Place at the Sustainable Venture Capital Investment Competition (SVCIC)
by | Apr 1, 2014
Last Friday, March 28, Liz Hershman (MBA ’15), Matt Logan (MBA ’14) and Brian Rassel (MBA/MS ’16), represented the University of Michigan at the SVCIC and earned second place. The SVCIC, is a competition that allows MBA students to place themselves in the mindset of...
Partnership with CoFoundersLab on Michigan Founder Finder Search Site
by | Mar 12, 2014
On Monday we announced our first milestone with our Michigan Founder Finder portal that was launched in August in partnership with CoFoundersLab. The free portal is available to students, alumni, faculty, staff and community members to aid in the introduction of...
UM Growth Capital News: Baird Capital Builds a Pipeline of VC Investments in Michigan Start-ups
by | Mar 4, 2014
Baird Capital is putting additional boots on the ground and strengthening its ties in Michigan, where it sees increasing opportunity to build a pipeline of venture-capital investments in high-growth start-up companies. In August 2013, the Chicago-based national...