Peter Adriaens

Former Zell Lurie Advisor provides update on ZLI-Finland partnership

Former Zell Lurie Advisor provides update on ZLI-Finland partnership

Though Prof. Peter Adriaens has returned to the College of Engineering, he hasn’t left ZLI behind entirely. He recently shared an update on a multi-year collaboration between ZLI and the Research Institute for the Finnish Economy, a think tank based in Finland, that...

Creating a financial model to value water risk for businesses

Creating a financial model to value water risk for businesses

With water risk rising in some companies and basins as a more urgent problem than climate change, University of Michigan researchers have worked out a way to measure how it affects stock volatility.   Peter Adriaens, an entrepreneurship professor at the Zell Lurie...

Professor Peter Adriaens Weighs in on the Roles of the US and China

China has been in the news as the debate continues over the country’s role in the global economy. The Zell Lurie Institute is paying particular attention to developments in clean technology. We recently sat down with Dr. Peter Adriaens, an associate professor of...