Michigan Investment Challenge

The Michigan Investment Challenge (MIC) is an investor competition where participants step into the role of venture capitalist. Student teams evaluate real startup investment opportunities presented by motivated entrepreneurs.

Discover Your Inner Venture Investor

The Michigan Investment Challenge is a multi-round competition open to teams of graduate students and teams of undergraduate students from our 19 nationally recognized schools and colleges at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. The goal of MIC is to give students the opportunity to learn about and experience venture capital investing.

The rigorous program involves workshops, engagement with Michigan Business Challenge (MBC), written deliverables, direct exposure to outside entrepreneurs seeking funding, Venture Capitalist judges, and the opportunity to compete in intercollegiate competitions (the winning teams are coached and sponsored to travel and compete at Venture Capital Investment Competition graduate regionals and undergraduate regionals).

Upcoming Events

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Info Session

Join us for a 2025 Michigan Investment Challenge Information Session to be held on Zoom on Tuesday, October 22, at 5:00 p.m. followed by an investing workshop.

Who is eligible to apply?

Any graduate or undergraduate students currently enrolled at the Ann Arbor campus. Teams of four U-M graduate students (not just MBAs) and teams of four U-M undergraduates (not just BBAs) are welcome to apply. Interested in participating in MIC but need to find teammates?

Please add your name and information to this MIC team finder spreadsheet.

Contact Information

For questions or additional information, please contact [email protected].


The deadline for Michigan Investment Challenge intent to compete is Thursday, Nov. 7, at 11:59p.m. Teams of four U-M graduate students or teams of four U-M undergraduate students must provide a team resume (highlighting strengths – maximum 1 page), individual resumes, and an essay (maximum 500 words) explaining why the team is entering and should be selected. Please email as a single PDF to [email protected].