Our Investment in Admetsys

The Zell Early-Stage Fund invested $150,000 in Admetsys, a medical device company that has developed an artificial pancreas to help monitor insulin levels for hospital and surgical care. Admetsys helps minimize hospital complications, reduce ICU stay time, and save lives from quick glycemic measurements and calculated insulin administration.
Admetsys recently received FDA Breakthrough Designation for its automated glucose control and continuous blood diagnostics system.
Our History
Zell Early Stage Fund was founded in 2015 and is part of ZLI, the Zell Lurie Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies. ZLI is ranked annually in the top 5 entrepreneurship programs in the country. It is one of the only undergraduate-run venture capital funds in the country.
Our Mission
The Zell Early Stage Fund aspires to help the early-stage investing industry improve the diversity and inclusiveness of its workforce by training students who have a wide variety of personal histories and perspectives to succeed in the industry.
Our Team
ZESF is a team of BBA Juniors and Seniors at the University of Michigan – Ross School of Business. We work together to source deals, conduct due diligence, make investment decisions, and build friendships and networks.

Our Advisors
Our advisors leverage their deep industry experience to help ZESF members learn about and invest in early-stage companies, and develop our personal and professional skills.