Panelists Report Strong Resurgence of Health-Care IPOs

Over the past 18 months, investors have witnessed a strong rebound nationally in the IPO market, particularly in the area of health care. MGCS panelists, who discussed the return of the health-care IPO on Tuesday afternoon, attributed this turnaround to several...

Exo Dynamics is Excited to Present at this Year’s MGCS

We at Exo Dynamics are currently taking a big step from laboratory prototype to commercial product, and the timing of MGCS fits perfectly with our plans to meet investors and aim for a launch in 2015. Our core technology, invented by co-founder Daniel Johnson, began...

SurClean Refreshes its Products, Markets and Investor Pitches

Since making its first presentation at last year’s Michigan Growth Capital Symposium, SurClean Inc. has hit the refresh button on its product offerings, target markets and investor pitches. “We feel our story has changed dramatically,” explains CEO Susan Sprentall,...