Health Circle
Investing in our Healthcare System
US per capita healthcare spending is more than twice the average of other developed countries, while the US continues to fall short of most developed nations on health outcomes measures. Even with heightened focus on systemic reform, health disparities remain prevalent across communities of color, low-income communities, and other marginalized groups. Healthcare is becoming increasingly unaffordable and thus inaccessible to the average American, and even those who can afford to pay face the difficulties of navigating a fractured and opaque system.

Our Focus
SVF’s Health Circle ardently believes a more equitable, efficient, and effective approach to promoting and maintaining overall health and wellbeing is possible in the US. We invest in entrepreneurs and startups focused on addressing unmet needs and broken processes, to better prepare and equip the US healthcare system for meeting 21st century health challenges. Our definition of health includes but is not limited to clinical care. We are particularly, though not exclusively, interested in ventures that:
Provide high-quality, cost-effective health services for marginalized communities
Develop cost-effective medical technologies to address unmet needs
Developing alternative modes of transportation
Support behavior and lifestyle changes to reduce chronic disease burdens
Offer solutions to support older adult wellness and care
Provide tools and platforms to facilitate patient and provider decision making
Apply successful and innovative health models found outside the US
Investment Co-Leads for the Health Circle:
Elena Helmers-Wegman ( and Dilan Tank (