Introducing the 2023-2024 Zell Entrepreneurs

Zell Lurie Institute
November 3, 2023

We’re excited to introduce a dynamic lineup of Zell Entrepreneurs, handpicked for the 2023-2024 year. This impressive group of nine students serves as a testament to the remarkable innovation taking place within the entrepreneurial landscape at the University of Michigan.

Karthik Ramani, MBA ’24
Founder of Dialysis Innovations developing innovative, life-changing medical solutions for end-stage kidney patients at a low cost.
(Download .pdf)
[email protected]

Ana Timoficiuc, BSE ’24
Founder of MinaRosa, a health and wellness start-up that offers an affordable and accessible photobiomodulation, a form of light therapy, allowing all people to take control of their well-being.
(Download .pdf)
[email protected]

Jake Sadow, BA ’24
Founder of Current2, a text message based newsletter program that delivers news in a 2-minute audio brief, focus is ease of access and ease of use.
(Download .pdf)
[email protected]

Faith Richardson, BBA ’24
Founder of Mitzi Development, which uses AI to provide affordable and effective digital marketing for small businesses.
(Download .pdf)
[email protected]

Matthew Stone, MBA ’24
Founder of Pathless Productions, an indie game subscription focused on helping developers generate revenue sooner.
(Download .pdf)
[email protected]

Tirth Patel, BSE ’24
Founder of ImmiHealth, improving access to affordable and culturally-competent healthcare.
(Download .pdf)
[email protected]

Trinity Brown, BBA ’24
Founder of Trinity Barbra [the brand], a jewelry brand that offers ethically and sustainably sourced fine metals and gemstones.
(Download .pdf)
[email protected]

Karthik Ramasubramanian, MBA ’24
Founder of OrganFlow an automated Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) that enhances real-time organ transplant decision making.
(Download .pdf)
[email protected]

Jason Obrycki, BSE ’24
Founder of BioLink, a company working to make healthcare more efficient by automating medical processes.
(Download .pdf)
[email protected]

Zell Entrepreneurs is an elite program that provides the necessary mentorship, funding, resources, and support to U-M students who aim to launch their businesses full-time upon graduation. The program is open to final-year students from all University of Michigan schools and colleges on the Ann Arbor campus.