Jack is a venture capitalist located in Kalamazoo, having co-founded TGap Ventures in 2002 with Peter Farner. Through TGap Ventures, Jack has funded various new and young firms in the high technology and medical industries. Typical investments by TGap Ventures range between $500,000 to $1 million. Of the companies that Jack and TGap Ventures have invested in, 11 of them have become publicly traded companies and 19 of them have been acquired by larger corporations. Through his tenure in the venture capital business, he (along with his venture capital partner, Peter) has been involved with more than 100 growth companies since 1979. Along with his role at TGap Ventures, Jack is also actively involved in the startup community through his role at the Great Lakes Entrepreneur’s Quest (GLEQ), where he is currently chair of the board of directors.