Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition

This elite program is designed to provide support to second year MBA students who are seeking to search for and acquire a business upon graduation.  This can be accomplished via the search fund model, as an independent sponsor, through a family office, or otherwise.

Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition (ETA) is now additionally a dedicated track in Zell Entrepreneurs Program.  In addition to your coursework in ES 516, you can apply to the Zell Entrepreneurs ETA Track to receive funds and mentorship to pursue a search fund now or in the future.  Please apply to this program via the Zell Entrepreneurs program page.

Student Presenting Zell Lurie Institute University of Michigan Ross

Continuous Connection

Selected students will participate in regular meetings with the program director and other participants. Each participant will be paired with an alumni mentor with experience in search funds, private equity, or another relevant field. Additionally, selected students will receive up to $8,000 in financial support to launch a search fund or otherwise pursue an acquisition.

Academic credit is not available for participation in this program.

Course | ES 516

Interested students are encouraged to enroll in the course ES 516 – “Entrepreneurship via Acquisitions” in the Fall A term of their second year. Students will be selected for the program early in the Fall B term and the program will run through graduation.

For any additional questions contact Dave Hiemstra.

Upcoming Events

No upcoming events.