Eight Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read This Summer

SmallBiz-Resources August, 2018 Most entrepreneurs won’t spend these dog days of summer relaxing at the beach; you might instead find them hard at work refining their business plans and investor pitches, developing new customer acquisition strategies or adjusting...

University Invests in Plant-based Jerky Maker

Specialty Food Association August, 2018 The University of Michigan has invested $100,000 in Chicago-based Mindwell Snacks LLC, a maker of plant-based jerky, reports Crain’s Detroit Business. Mindwell jerky is available in Plum Markets, and the company plans...

Students Launch Instagram-Worthy Vegan Jerky

VegNews August, 2018 llyson Stewart and Bridget Henley, recent Masters of Business graduates at the University of Michigan, created legume-based jerky brand MINDWELL with millennials in mind. The duo was awarded $100,000 this week in seed funding by...